Course Lecture Notes Assignment Sheets The Project

Embedded Systems The Project

As practical part of the lecture, you have to design a Mindstorm robot.
In a first step, you have to design a Scade-Model of the robot.

From this model you have to generate C-Code, which you then integrate and finally upload to the Mindstorm.

Each group will be assigned time-slots in which the group can access a Mindstorm Roboter, upload the software to it and test it. Note that access to the hardware is limited to these time-slot and to room 404, E.1.03.

In Room 404, there is a computer available, where the complete tool-chain (Scade, nxtOSEK, Eclipse, a3) is available. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend to install the tool-chain (especially Scade) on your home-pc/laptop.



Lego Mindstorms Development Environment

Timing Validation
