Course Tutorials Exams Lecture Notes Problem Sets

Verification Tutorials


Assignments help you to practice the methods and concepts of the lecture.

You may work together in groups of up to three people (don’t forget to write all names and matriculation numbers on your solution).

A new assignment sheet will be published every Tuesday after the lecture. You have to hand in your solution into the lecture’s mailbox before the next Tuesday lecture. The mailbox is located in the ground floor of E 1 3, next to lecture hall 001. Your solution will be graded. Remember: to be admitted to write the endterm exam and the final exam, you need at least 50% of all possible points of all assignments (as well as a successful solution for the practical homework).

The Assignments can be found on the Problem Sets page.

Practical Homework

The practical homework takes place January 10 to January 29.

You may work together in groups of up to three people.

You have to hand in a successful solution to be admitted to the endterm and final exams. (Remember you need at least 50% of points from the assignments as well.)